iPhone 6: Slow Motion (slo-mo)!

When I got my new iPhone 6 in October, I was merely trying to get a new iPhone because my old 4s was in such a sorry state that it was becoming unreliable and therefore unusable.

After the ordering and waiting fiasco I’ve written about earlier, it finally arrived and I was excited and couldn’t wait to having a working device. I went through the set-up, entered my Apple ID, sync’d it from backup and voilà! I was back in business.

I had a look at all the new apps, the new look to the old apps, and played around with everything little by little, day by day, app by app. Naturally, it was such a big update, that I didn’t discover everything immediately.

One thing I stumbled on fairly early was something I had never even heard mentioned before but was more exciting for me than anything else I’ve seen on the iPhone: slo-mo!

We were dog sitting during the late summer, went biking at a local park with a pond. At the end of our bike ride, we were in the gravel parking lot. I had shown my son how to skid the back wheel and he was practicing. I thought I’d get a video of it.

iPhone > slide up for Camera > landscape mode > scroll from Photo to Video and then….Slo-Mo! What’s this?!?!

I took the video and he skidded two feet away from me. We watched the video and saw the gravel flying up and it was simply beautiful!!! I was ecstatic! It was so easy, so awesome, so cool!

Needless to say, I’ve been taking slow motion videos of everything I can think of since then: eggs breaking, water balloon breaking, hitting a baseball, driving through a puddle, breaking big pieces of ice on a frozen lake, dogs running and playing, swans landing….Every day, I think – ooh! That would be so much fun to see in slow motion!

If you haven’t discovered it, try it out! You’ll be amazed.

2 thoughts on “iPhone 6: Slow Motion (slo-mo)!

    1. Only the iPad Air 2 has slow-motion capabilities. None of the iPad mini’s have slow-motion.

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